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The Primary School 

Created: 2 March 2005
Modified: 28 January 2008
Accessed: 18737


The Aleksandras Stulginskis Primary School of Jokubavas

School mission. Statement- Kretinga county's Aleksandras Stulginskis primary school is the village community's cultural, sports and information center. The school fosters the development of creative, acitve, critically thinking individuals.

School history. A school without a school house was established in 1919. A schoolhouse in the neighboring hamlet of Suktinis was built in 1934. P. Bortkevicius was the principal who organized the building of this schoolhouse and was the school administrator till 1941. In 1944 the schoolhouse was burnt down. Up until 1963 the school met in private homes. School leaders were J. Petrauskas and A. Bauzys. From 1951 till 1967 the schooll was administered by F. Lukauskas. The longest tenured principal, for 27 years, was I. Keblys. With the educational refrom the school became a 9 grade institution. Since 1999 it has been a 10 grade school. In 2003 the 41st class graduated. We are proud of our exceptional students that have graduated with high honors:R. Seputyte (1973), D. Karnauskaite (1983),  U. Garyte (1975), V. Ciakaite (1985), R. Endriuzyte (1977), S. Silgalyte (1985), V. Jonauskas (1978), A. Budrikis (1986), E. Karnauskaite (1979), R. Bertuzyte (1989), I. Armalyte (1982), G. Stainys (1996), D. Rimkute (1997), R. Mazeikis (2003), L. Siska (2003). Currently the school has 130 studensts (12 pre-schoolers, 45 first thru fourth graders, 85 fifth thru tenth graders). The school has 21 teachers and administrators; two are method instructors and 14 are senior teachers. Since 1944 the school principal has been L. Siskiene (category 1 administrator) with assistant principal of development G. Ciakine (category 1 administrator). Teachers who had the longest tenure at the school: A. Petrauskiene, D. Kalveliene, D. Iginiene, V. Bonckiene, Z. Kakauskiene, G. Bernetiene. Current teachers with the longest tenure at: G. Ciakene, A. Laukineitis, F. Stramilaite, N. Gedviliene, K. Valiukas, R. Valiukiene, D. Luziene.

Projects. One of our school priorities is participation in national and international competitions and projects. Organized projects include "Our school-a community cultural and sports center" and "Creating a theatre." Having won the Educational Initiative grant competition and with the help of benefactors we have been able to remocel the museum, study, and gym. The school has become a cultural and sports center not only for the students but also the local residents.

 Museum. With the initiative of teacher F. Stramilaite and the approval of former director I. Keblys a museum within the school was created. The museum has approximately 2000 pieces for exhibit. The emphasis is on local history and folklore. Each school class has a yearly project regarding local history that is presented at the school's folklore conference. Young "historians" under the guidance of F. Stramilaite and D. Luziene work on the ongoing projects; "Understanding the past in our village," An overview of homelife in our village," "The life path taken by President Aleksandras Stulginskis," and "The place of our birth, the place of our youth, the land that nourishes us." During project expeditions oral histories of local villagers are recorded and the museum obtaiins exhibition pieces.

Ongoing School Assistance Fund. The Aleksandras Stulginskis school assistance fund was established in July 2002. Its primary benefactor is Aldona Stulginskis-Juozevicius, currently residing in the United States. Thru this fund a computer class study hall was built and the gym remodeled. Mrs. Stulginskis-Juozevicius also established a scholarship fund that awards outstanding graduating students.

School Self-Rule. The school has an active student council and parent-teachers organization. The student council takes a role in the following areas of the school; sports, information, design, culture, and internal policies. The parent-teachers organization assists in student council activities. Both the student council and the parent-teachers organization work together in supporting charities, performing maintenance activities, and organizing sports and cultural events. These efforts help unify parents, teachers, and students. Recently to help with social problems a parent group "Dialogue" was estblished.

" Bunny rabbit" kindergarten. Thru the efforts of teachers J. Adomaitiene and R. Bumbliene a kindergarten was established in 2003. Their grant proposal "Establishing a kindergarten at Jokubavas elementary school" was awarded financing from the Educational Change fund. The kindergarten opened its doors on September1, 2003 to 15 students ("bunny rabbits"). Children are taught basic school skills including co-operation with peers and adults, drawing, dancing, singing, and learning how to work in a group. Twelve students "graduated" to the first grade in 2004.

Clubs. A variety of clubs are active in the school that help in developing the students into responsible individuals. These clubs also brought local, national, and international recognition to the school: G. Ciakienes math club has won local contests and the international math award "Kengura." M. Gedvilienes dodgeball ("kvadratas") team wont the local championship and school district awards. N. Berzonskyte, part of F. Stramilaites quilting club, won prizes in the international competition "Nature's story" in 2002 and 2003 as well as the prize given by the regional art school in 2003, Art projects of the club decorate the school. The dance group led by B. Bendikiene participated at the 2003 World Lithuanian Dance and Song festival. The school glee club led by R. Valiukiene is particularly popular among students. Other Clubs include: Folklore (supervised by D. Luziene) "Busy hands" (woodworking and shop) club supervised by P. Kubilius The school basketball team is coached by K. Valiukas.

 Annual Events and Festivals. Events at the school not only include students and teachers but also memebers of the local community. Traditional events include the first day of school, grandparents and grandchildren day, the Christmas pageant, and a winter sports festivals with competition opened to the entire populace. Similarly, the annual Christmas evening sponsored by the school has full village participation. Students eagerly await the St. Valentine's talent showdubbed "The Love Boat." A special concert takes place on Mother's Day and a favorite event is "The Last Bell Festival." The crowning event of the school year's end is Village Day that occurs on the eve of St. John's.

School Guests Politicians: V. Lansbergis, J. Beinartas, I. Uzdavinys, V. Kacinskas, E. Klumbys, Z. Vaisvila, B. Gajauskas, L. Sabatis, A. Patackas, R. Paulauskas, J. Narviliene, V. Prunckiene, R. Rudzys, B. Valionyte, Other guests have included the Czech ambassador P. Voznica and his wife M. Voznicova, the February 16th club president T. Sernas, the daughter of president Aleksandras Stulginskis Aldona Stulginskis-Juozevicius, and his grandchildren Ramune Rackauskas, Jurate Norvilas, and Jonas Juozevicius. Mary Ogden-Dimsa, a descendant of the Parciauskas family, has also visited. Actors who have visited have included S. Navardaitiene, R. Varnaite, and A. Klumpyte-Janusoniene. Writers who have visited include D. Remys and V. Rimavicius. Brother Astijus has visited.

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